january, 2025
30jan8:00 amNatural Leadership Accelerated Coaching Certification Program

Event Details
Community Building Cohort Call today! Topic: Integration and Application ABOUT THE COURSE This 4-month-long hybrid virtual course will allow you to engage with content and exercises, live Zoom calls, and a community of
Event Details
Community Building Cohort Call today!
Topic: Integration and Application
This 4-month-long hybrid virtual course will allow you to engage with content and exercises, live Zoom calls, and a community of other learners. Our unique onsite equine experience workshops bring Natural Leadership to life to support and solidify your learning.
Upon registering, you will have access to original Natural Leadership content, which will provide a basic overview of the model, how to use it to better understand yourself, and how you can begin to bring the model to life in your personal and/or professional relationships.
For more information, visit thecircleupschool.com.
(Thursday) 8:00 am
Online: TheCircleUpSchool.com
Brad Lande-ShannonOwner, Head Leadership Coachbrad@thecircleupexperience.com