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Personal and Professional Development Coaching
Coaching, when done well, provides structure and a safe container to share candidly, vent difficult emotions, strategize about interpersonal challenges, and explore the many facets of leadership vision.
We take ourselves everywhere we go. There are junctures in our personal or professional lives when we reach a tipping point. At times, it feels we are heading off a cliff and about to freefall. Other times, our life has gotten beautifully large and expansive, but we need support and structure to continue growing ourselves.
For you to continue your personal or professional development, to truly see how you are impacting others, you need a trusted place to explore the messiness of life and leadership.
The Circle Up style of coaching is unique and our clients describe our coaching sessions to be refreshingly real. We are direct and honest with our feedback, solution-focused with our approach, and genuinely caring with the heart we bring to our work.
Your Circle Up coaching experience typically commences with a full-day horse experience. The horses offer the most accurate assessment process we have found and the immersion allows a jump-start for the coaching process.
From there, we will have a shared understanding of your personal journey, career path, leadership strengths and styles, liabilities and developmental areas. We will have a common language for working together.
We also offer executive coaching – for individuals and small groups. Learn more about executive coaching...

Natural Grit Training
Emotional Resilence Training Customized
for Your Team or Group
Maybe you’re part of a group of parents who have been limping along barely balancing parenting, home, and work.
Or, maybe you lead a work team that has been stretched thin. You’ve lost members, you’re trying to create a virtual culture or reinvigorate an in-person culture with no instruction manual.
Perhaps your group does front line health work, or you are first responders. The stress injuries of your job are gruelling, and you need to build your resilience.
Though it may not feel like it, you have a wealth of resources, within you and around you.
This trauma-informed course covers: emotional wellness practices, stress reduction strategies, body awareness, and building support systems.
We offer a combination of online learning with easily accessible materials via our online learning platform, The Circle Up School. We also offer facilitated group meetings and coaching via phone or Zoom.
For groups local to one of our locations, Circle Up is able to host an in-person portion of this training.

Settling In: Wellness Experiences with Horses
Nature and Equine Therapy in Portland, Oregon
If you are local to the Portland, Oregon area, you can take advantage of this very special experience. Brad Lande-Shannon provides individual, couples, and small group equine sessions at Awake Ranch, Mulino, Oregon.
The natural setting of the Ranch and the horse herd offer an interactive space for humans to get grounded and to find some peace with themselves and clarity with each other.
This is like a nervous system reset, which is exactly what so many of us need. In just a few hours, you will notice a change in your focus and an improvement in your ability to articulate your emotions and thoughts. You will leave the Ranch with concrete ways to integrate your experience into your everyday life.
For more information about Brad and the power of working with horses, please read here.
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Curious? Apply Now
We only take a limited number of individual coaching clients to maintain our high quality of service and availability. To apply, please complete the form below. To learn more, contact us.
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