Understanding Boundaries
Let’s talk about boundaries. Whether at work or home, boundaries begin inside you when you sense a need and decide to care for yourself. You know something’s got to give. You can’t keep doing life this way. But you might not know what needs to change. Or how to make it happen. Learning how to…

A Boundary Story: She Stuffed The Anger and Her Own Feelings
I want to share a boundary story that a friend told me recently. Like the rest of us, my friend has been on quarantine lockdown for weeks, running a household, raising two little kids, wrestling with the homeschool phenomenon, and working from home. The other morning, she was putting the finishing touches on breakfast for…

Are You an Emotional Butler?
Maybe you consider yourself a people person. You’re someone who just loves doing nice things for others, favors, listening to problems, or finding ways to include the odd man out. Or perhaps you find yourself in a peacekeeping role, righting the ship, and calming down the storm so the heated meeting or friend group drama…