Mental Health is Physical Health
We’re in the middle of a profound mental health crisis and it stems from not taking care of our mammal needs and not attending to the stress in our relationships. Psychological needs are physical needs because if we don’t feel psychologically safe, we experience a biological reaction. Our psychology informs our physiology, and our physiology…
Understanding Boundaries
Let’s talk about boundaries. Whether at work or home, boundaries begin inside you when you sense a need and decide to care for yourself. You know something’s got to give. You can’t keep doing life this way. But you might not know what needs to change. Or how to make it happen. Learning how to…
Twists and Turns
Dear lovely humans, Nature gives us so many generous lessons of how things move, progress, develop, and evolve no matter what. We need these examples so we can see the fierce resilience around us and connect to how it is within us. We also need to see and know how messy, unpredictable, and even chaotic…
Growth and Gutters
I look for interesting places of growth, for the ways that nature replenishes and flourishes in odd locations. My most recent discovery was in the gutter of an old shed. As usual, it was just the practice of a walkabout, looking around, looking up, slowing down, and there it was, a whole ecosystem blooming in…
The Nature of Closure
Winter has been whispering at our closed doors and windows for a few months now. Frigid air, cloud cover, fewer rays of sunshine. The colder weather and shorter days affect us, whether we are aware of it or not. Our bodies have instinctively been instructed to pull the curtains hunker down. There is this palpable…