Are You a Contortionist?
Dear Sally, I’m in a tight spot. That’s actually how it feels. Like I’m trapped. I’m in a work role that feels very constraining. There are missing pieces of our workflow and our structure and things fall through the cracks. No one on the team seems to notice the problem yet everyone complains about the…

From Voluncheerful to Voluntearful
Dear Sally, I say yes to everything. I say YES with my mouth but NO with my heart. When someone invites me to a meeting, I squeeze it into my calendar. If I get an email late at night, I feel like I need to respond. I’m on committees and sub-committees, task force groups and…

Get Your Matriarch On
Dear Sally, Lately, I’ve noticed my plate is too full. I’m overwhelmed, irritable, and snapping at people. I’m normally not that kind of person and it’s upsetting to me and those around me that I’m acting this way. But it feels like everyone wants a piece of me. I’m in a director role in a…