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Mindfulness Schmindfulness: Reality Is a Pain

Mindful eating. Mindful drinking. Mindful working. Mindful napping. Mindful this, and mindful that. Mindful purchasing of mindfulness-branded goods and services. If you’ve been to a grocery store, a mall, a school, the internet, anywhere, in the past year or so, you’ve been pitched mindfulness. Heck, if you’ve read this blog in the past month, you’ve…

Dear Sally - Dragging or Leading

Possibly Arrogant

Dear Sally, It recently came to my attention that some of my colleagues have labeled me as arrogant. I know I can be opinionated sometimes but this label hurts and I’m worried it’s going to affect my future here, especially if my manager agrees! What do I do to reverse this? Dear Possibly Arrogant, It…

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The Animals are Honest

I grew up in the Detroit area and you have to look a few generations back to find any rural folks. My uncle Lenny and I are the only members of the extended family with an interest in farm/ranch life and animal husbandry. And it’s always been a bit of a puzzle to me how…

blog workplace breaks heart

Mindfulness in the Minefield: Reclaiming Calm in the Office

You’re at your desk and the phone rings. The hairs stand up on back of your neck when the number flashes on the phone’s face: it’s your boss’ admin and you do not have anything scheduled with your boss. Now you do. You have an inbox that’s doubled since you started your day an hour…

Dear Sally - Dragging or Leading

Corporate Climber

Dear Sally, I’m a director-level corporate guy and have climbed that ladder, one rung at a time, but at a decent pace. I’ve never really understood the reasons behind my promotions. I mean, I’m a good producer, and people generally like me. But when I look around me, I don’t see how my job performance…

Circle Up Experience blog post: Corporate Grief: When the Workplace Breaks Your Heart. (Picture of group of work colleagues consoling each other).

Corporate Grief: When the Workplace Breaks Your Heart

When I transitioned from my private practice as a therapist to leadership consulting in the corporate sector, I figured the psychic heaviness of my role would lift some. I knew that people’s work lives were ridden with relationship conflicts, extreme stress, boredom, and career confusion. They showed up in my therapy office with work complaints…

corporate corral

Corporate Corral: Conferencing in Captivity

I just got off a weekly conference call with members of the Circle Up team. The call often runs well over an hour but, today, we wrapped in 45 minutes. And I’m a little sad.  I miss my team. We tend to digress, rarely have an agenda, joke around a fair amount, and get a…


Relational Inflammation: The Value of Rest and Space

Relationships are like high contact sports. We bump into each other and sometimes knock each other down. It’s nearly impossible to have a human relationship with any kind of authenticity and not hit points of conflict and upset. You’ll know you’re having a real relationship if you feel hurt at times! It’s a side effect…

Dear Sally - Dragging or Leading

Cog-less in the Corporate World

Dear Sally, I could use your wisdom. After an illness, I’ve been on leave from my job for a few months. It makes sense to return, because I gotta eat and money doesn’t grow on trees, but I’m concerned because my heart doesn’t feel in it anymore. I’m worried that my heart wouldn’t be in…

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