Meet Our Human Herd
Natural Leadership invites us to learn about ourselves by studying and experiencing how other animals and animal groups live, relate, survive, and thrive. It turns out that the simplest signals of our bodies are the source of key information about our needs. AND, the signals of our bodies give us information about the needs of…

Celebration and Self-Care for Milestone Days
Often, as teams, we celebrate birthdays but what about observing the other important days in our lives? Recently, one of our team mates took a day off to honor her grief. She knew it would be a heavy day and needed the flexibility and space to practice self care. She let us know she was…

Rethinking Leadership and Expressing Vulnerability
Before you can lead others. You have to lead you. If you are taking care of your own needs, listening to your own needs, leading yourself through your day and through your life with some stability, then you are able to actually lead others. Whether that’s on a small scale with a couple of people…

Coping with Workplace Grief
Even before COVID-19 subtracted so much from our lives, workplace grief was a corporate crisis. Now, as we have faced the loss of loved ones, missed occasions and celebrations, and isolation from family, friends and colleagues, the losses in our professional lives compounded with the effects of the global pandemic have become much more traumatic.…

Hardship and Herdship: We Need Each Other
By now, you might feel like a caged animal. Well, you kind of are. We are human animals in captivity. COVID-19 has put most of the world in this surreal lock-down experience, and our lives have slowed down beyond recognition. I’ve been referring to it as The New Abnormal. I use these words to remind…

Reclaiming Leadership: A Crucible for Women
The alarm clock of change is buzzing. We’ve been pressing snooze. At first, the seven minute intervals of sleep were warm and cozy and delicious. But not so much anymore. We’re annoyed, even angry. It’s time to wake up! There are significant turning points in our culture when we can see our human development and…

Disheartened and Dragging
Dear Sally: It seems like I can’t find the gas pedal in so many parts of my life. I can’t get my kids out of the house in the morning. I call my dogs and they barely pick their heads up. I get to work and the people I manage are operating at a snail’s…

Are You an Emotional Butler?
Maybe you consider yourself a people person. You’re someone who just loves doing nice things for others, favors, listening to problems, or finding ways to include the odd man out. Or perhaps you find yourself in a peacekeeping role, righting the ship, and calming down the storm so the heated meeting or friend group drama…

Are You a Contortionist?
Dear Sally, I’m in a tight spot. That’s actually how it feels. Like I’m trapped. I’m in a work role that feels very constraining. There are missing pieces of our workflow and our structure and things fall through the cracks. No one on the team seems to notice the problem yet everyone complains about the…

From Voluncheerful to Voluntearful
Dear Sally, I say yes to everything. I say YES with my mouth but NO with my heart. When someone invites me to a meeting, I squeeze it into my calendar. If I get an email late at night, I feel like I need to respond. I’m on committees and sub-committees, task force groups and…